
ECO major achieves victory at prestigious economics conference

April 2017

Elizabeth Jenike

Business economics senior Jackie Craig presented the winning paper at the Midwest Economics Association’s annual meeting in Cincinnati during the first weekend in April.

Out of 36 students who applied and 25 who were selected to present their research at the conference, Jackie came away with first place for her paper “Intergenerational Mobility of Men and Women 1880-1910.” The students she was competing against included those from Ohio State, Indiana, Denison, Oberlin, Grinnell and several other fine institutions.

Jackie’s paper explores intergenerational economic mobility of men and women from 1880 to 1910. Her finding - which is important, since no previous published research has found a direct estimate of economic mobility for women during this time period - was that women did, in fact, were more economically mobile than men.

The research involved parsing through mountains of census data and marriage certificates from the turn of the 20th century in order to determine the rates of economic mobility compared to the previous decades and to the modern era.

Student success is one of the defining traits of the Farmer School of Business, and students like Jackie help continue that tradition of excellence.

Jackie said that she learned about the opportunity to present her paper from Dr. Chuck Moul, and Dr. Gregory Niemesh, who served as her advisor for the project.

The experience was a fruitful one for Jackie, who presented the same paper at the local Economics Honors Conference in Oxford a few weeks ago (and was able to work out nervous kinks before the MEA meeting this weekend).

“Presenting at an actual economics conference was so exciting and I loved sharing this research with other economics undergraduate students as well as real economists in the field,” she said. “I would absolutely love to do this again.”

In fact, she will likely have the opportunity again in the near future. After graduating in May, Jackie will continue to do research as an Associate Economist with the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. This victory was a trial run for her - and a successful one at that.

Congrats and great work, Jackie!

Jackie Craig